pay it forward – care pack
help us blitz our target for care packs!
your gift of a $10 pay it forward pack will help m.a.d.woman support Australia’s most vulnerable and needy people. in 14 years, m.a.d.woman has helped nearly 400,000 people facing social, physical, mental or financial disadvantage.
our programs and projects help us support people experiencing a wide range of issues. these include women and children fleeing domestic violence, kids in foster care, homeless youth and adults, asylum seekers, disabled and disadvantaged youth, long-term unemployed and people facing illness and more. we’ve also helped create tens of thousands of meals for hungry and homeless and aided thousands and thousands of others including Black Saturday, earthquake and flood survivors.
we provide care packs to people facing social disadvantage, financial constraints or lack of access. these may include personal items and other gifts. Covid has changed the way we are able to gain support for our work, so we would love your help to enable us to provide care packs to support people in need. if you think you can help with additional items for these packs, we would love to hear from you.
please note – this is NOT a tax-deductible donation. the purchase of any pay it forward pack will enable us to gift packs to people in need and you will not receive a physical product.