Day 28: Grateful for the things you’ve done
Cross To Do off your list today. Yep, today is all about writing a list called ‘Things done’. We often spend so much time noticing what still needs to be done, that we forget to focus on our achievements and those of the people around us. We’re quick...
Did you know… Being grateful can improve your psychological health
Study after study has proven that gratitude is good for our mental and physical health. Here’s a few examples to check out:
Day 27: Grateful for the wisdom of others
Learning from the wisdom of others is a great way to keep motivated to maintain your gratitude mindset. Whether you like good old fashioned books or the more portable digital world of the e-publication, you can inspire yourself daily with stories,...
Did you know… Grateful people tend to look after themselves better
Research shows that grateful people who see gratitude as a permanent personality trait instead of a transient state of mind tend to look after themselves better than those who don’t. They are likely to engage in more preventative health activities such as exercising...
Day 26: Grateful for clearing clutter
When you begin to be grateful for all that you already have in your life you might look around and see how much you have. Look how much you have. No really. What is all of that stuff? If you have created some clutter in your surroundings, you may find that...