We asked and you answered!! Last week we put out an urgent call to help us create care packs for 30 young women and 30 young men aged 19-23.

The young adults came unaccompanied to Australia about five years ago, many are orphans.

We were asked for help to do something special for them – and with your help we pulled together nearly 1500 gifts to put into our handsewn gift bags.

So many thanks are needed – an extra special shout out to Cass from Sewing for Charity Australia who sent some great fabric baskets, toiletry bags and other gifts to include in each pack. We’d also like to give an extra, extra special thanks to our fabulous volunteer Glynis for packing every single bag for this project!

The feedback has been that they have loved the gifts! We just love the photo of one of the recipients with her gift bag.

It’s such a great example of how it’s possible to make an even bigger difference when we work together.

To every person who donated money, gifts and time to put these gifts together, we give you our utmost gratitude.

It’s one of many special projects the m.a.d.woman Foundation has done to support people this year.

pay it forward shop grateful in april