Sending a card to someone is a beautiful way to show you care. Check out our gorgeous range of greetings cards that keep on giving. Sales support our charitiable activities. Look how many people can benefit from one kind act! #randomactsofmad #makingadifference
Random acts of m.a.d. #20: Pick up litter
Litter can harm animals, is unsightly and we could all do something simple to rid our environment of it. #randomactsofmad #makingadifference
Random acts of m.a.d. #19: Leave a positive comment on a website or blog
Head off to a site you like and just write something nice. It's really nice to receive positive comments for no reason at all 🙂 #randomactsofmad #makingadifference

Random acts of m.a.d. #18: Leave a generous tip
When a person gives you great service, a tip is a nice reward. What if you surprised someone with an extra generous tip today? Imagine the impact that could have. #randomactsofmad #makingadifference
Random acts of m.a.d. #17: Leave a colouring book and coloured pencils in a hospital waiting room
Spening hours in a hospital waiting room is stressful. Studies have shown colouring in can be calming for adults (not to mention entertaining for kids). A small investment could make a positive impact on people's lives as they wait for news and time with loved ones....
Random acts of m.a.d. #16: Hold the door open for someone
Here's something that could take a mere few seconds to put into action - yep, opening a door for someone is just a nice thing to do. #randomactsofmad #makingadifference
Random acts of m.a.d. #15: Give an unexpected gift
Make someone's day with an unexpected gift. No more explanation needed! 🙂 #randomactsofmad #makingadifference
Random acts of m.a.d. #14: Drop off public transport tickets to a shelter
Help someone to get around a little easier by donating tickets and passes for public transport. It could make the difference between someone getting a new job or to a vital appointment. #randomactsofmad #makingadifference
Random acts of m.a.d. #13: Write a thank you note
It's really nice receiving handwritten notes and not many people send them these days. Stand out from the crowd with pen, paper and a stamp. It's that easy. #randomactsofmad #makingadifference
Random acts of m.a.d. #12: Buy parking passes for parents of children in hospital
A really lovely gesture would be to buy parking passes for families with parents of children in hospital and leave them with nursing staff. Every bit of support helps. #randomactsofmad #makingadifference