
Could this be someone you know?

Last year, I heard first hand from a formerly successful businessman who’d made a couple of bad decisions. Fast forward six months and he suffered a breakdown and lost his business, his family and his home. His journey became one of survival and after a while, with...

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How giving up your bed can change lives

It deeply disturbs me that more than 105,000 people are sleeping outside tonight and every other winter night in Australia. That around 32,000 of those are children makes it harder to accept. In New Zealand, homelessness is also an issue. I know it's possible to...

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m.a.d.woman sleeping out for st vinnies

m.a.d.woman CEO and Founder Melina Schamroth is sleeping outside on Thursday night 16th June 2011 for the St Vinnies CEO Sleepout to raise money to break the cycle of homelessness. Statistics show there are around 105,000 Australians who are homeless - about 34,000 of...

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singles cook for a cause

There was as much chopping as chatting last night as a group of Melbourne singles whipped up nearly 1500 meals for some of the State’s hungry and homeless in our first event of the year. Participants still found time to mingle while making hundred of sausage rolls,...

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pay it forward shop grateful in april