Grateful in April posts
Day 20: Grateful for happy memories

Day 20: Grateful for happy memories

Take a walk around your home and notice objects that have happy memories for you. Photos of happy times are an easy starting point.  Pick one special possession and allow happy recollections associated with it to wash over you. Remember where it came from and...

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Day 19: Grateful for what others know

Day 19: Grateful for what others know

Today start looking for pearls of wisdom.  It can be hard coming up with all of the answers yourself. Sometimes you feel stuck or just bored. Maybe you need inspiration from learning something new.  Maybe it’s from a You Tube clip, on online tutorial or a...

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Day 18: Grateful for daily habits

Day 18: Grateful for daily habits

We’re more than halfway through Grateful in April – are you getting good at being grateful?  Practice makes perfect, so here’s a couple of tips to get a little gratitude in every day.  Take a moment to create a ritual or a regular time where you consciously...

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Day 17: Grateful for good news

Day 17: Grateful for good news

More than ever, it seems that there is a never-ending stream of bad news coming from our news outlets.   This is a very tough ask with everything that’s going on in the world currently, but have you ever wondered what would happen if you stopped tuning into...

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Day 16: Grateful for our food

Day 16: Grateful for our food

For many of us, if we are hungry, we go to the fridge or cupboard for food. If there is nothing there, we have been able to head to a corner store, supermarket or cafe.  Millions of people around the world don’t have that option, either through lack of access to food,...

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